Little Dunks Farm, Brenchley
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Livery Options
Stabled Retirement Livery
This is a 7-day service and includes the occupancy of a stable and the use of our fields and all facilities.
We provide full care to your horse or pony from Monday to Sunday which includes feeding, rug change & turn out/in, mucking out stable, feet picked out daily and grooming.
All bedding, basic feed and hay or haylage is included.
From £580pcm
Full Grass Retirement Livery
This is also a 7-day service and includes the shared occupancy of one of our many shelters and hard standings, use of our fields and all facilities.
We provide full care to your horse or pony from Monday to Sunday, which includes feeding, rug change, feet picked out daily and grooming. We check all grass kept horses and ponies twice daily.
All basic feed and hay is included.
Quarterly worm counts
From £365pcm